
G7首脳宣言への教育協力NGOネットワーク(JNNE)の声明/Statement: The Japan NGO Network for Education (JNNE)


【3】紛争や自然災害などの緊急期・長期化する危機下における教育支援を行う唯一の国連の基金である「教育を後回しにはできない(Education Cannot Wait: ECW)基金」、教育改善のための財政支援を行う唯一の機関である「教育のためのグローバル・パートナーシップ(Global Partnership for Education/GPE)」に対する支援の継続をコミットしたこと。


The G7 Hiroshima Summit was held on May 19-21, 2023.

The Japan NGO Network for Education (JNNE), comprising 21 Japanese NGOs for international cooperation in education, welcomes the G7 Hiroshima Leaders’ Communique on the following five points:

【1】Committed to making progress for ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all to build resilient, just and prospering societies, referring to that recent crises have led to decreased access to education and increased learning loss amongst children and youth, especially girls, and those in the most marginalized and vulnerable situations.
【2】Committed to promoting gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls by prioritising ODA in the education sector.
【3】Committed to calling for continued support to Education Cannot Wait (ECW), the only UN fund to support education under emergency and protracted crises such as conflicts and natural disasters, and the Global Partnership for Education (GPE), the only organisation providing budget support to improve education.
【4】Stated clearly that education is human rights and committed to end discrimination in education based on gender etc.
【5】Reaffirmed that education is a catalyst to achieving all of the SDGs and the importance of upholding education and building more resilient education systems.

JNNE calls for these commitments to be steadily realised with financial investments from Japan and the other G7 countries in order to response hope of 222 million children who are unable to go to school due to conflict and other crisises.

